Simplify and Strengthen Your Vulnerability Management Program

With the right vulnerability management program in place, your team can move swiftly to identify and eliminate weaknesses in your network before attackers find them and exploit them.

Our SaaS platform:

Digital Defense's best-in-class SaaS vulunerability management and threat assessment platform is cloud-native, easy to use, and committed to the highest level of performance and accuracy.

Fortra VM Platform

Create a customized vulnerability management program by layering the proactive security solutions available on the SaaS platform, including:

Fortra Vulnerability Management

Accurate vulnerability management that's comprehensive and easy-to-use.

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Web Application Scanning

Conductive dynamic testing on your web applications.

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Pen Test

Ethical hacking services that locate security weaknesses before they can be exploited.

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Active Threat Sweep

Assess active threats in your network, accurately and quickly.

Learn more >

Professionally Customized Cybersecurity Solutions

Our certified experts evaluate each customers' unique needs and make recommendations for products and services that go beyond standard security subscriptions. In addition to our vulnerability management and threat assessment solutions, we also offer professional services including penetration testing, social engineering, and PCI compliance scanning and service.

MSPs: Provide dependable, efficient vulnerability management that delivers high performance and high returns

Outsourced cybersecurity is quickly becoming an industry norm. Organizations are looking to Managed Service Providers (MSPs) to provide reliable security solutions that keep pace with growing threats. Protect your clients from vulnerabilities and improve your team's efficiency with Fortra VM, our cloud-native, multi-tenant, SaaS security platform.

Benefits include:

  • Rapid monetization and ROI
  • Comprehensive support
  • Low initial costs
  • User-friendly operation

Trusted by Organizations Globally

Award Winning
Threat and Vulnerability Management

Digital Defense has been great so far with both vulnerability and penetration scanning and testing. The reports are very easy to decipher, scanning has been super smooth, and their support has been quick to respond and helpful with each step in the process.

A Key Part of Fortra

Digital Defense is proud to be part of Fortra’s comprehensive cybersecurity portfolio. Fortra simplifies today’s complex cybersecurity landscape by bringing complementary products together to solve problems in innovative ways. These integrated, scalable solutions address the fast-changing challenges you face in safeguarding your organization. With the help of powerful tools from Digital Defense and others, Fortra is your relentless ally, here for you every step of the way throughout your cybersecurity journey.

Start Building Your Vulnerability Management Program

Our experts are here to help you find the solutions or services that fit your organization's security needs.
Let's get started.