A Spotlight on Cybersecurity: 2022 Trends and 2023 Predictions

By Fortra Staff

After years of growing in importance, cybersecurity took center stage in 2022, with cyberattacks not only continuing to cause global disturbances, but also becoming the focus of legislation, organizational planning, news coverage, and even major plot points on tv. Amidst the flurry of activity, common themes have emerged regarding cyber threats and the way respond to them, including:

  • Increased hacktivism, amidst geo-political unrest
  • Targeted attacks of specific companies, supply chains, mobile devices and more
  • New privacy and cybersecurity regulations
  • Expanded corporate liability and the need for cyber insurance

In this webinar, experts from across the Fortra cybersecurity spectrum will look back on 2022, analyzing these trends as they promise to continue into 2023 and beyond. Get insights into potential challenges of the coming year, strategic advice on what warrants prioritization, and ways to improve your security stance.

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